adjustHexColor | Adjusts the brightness of a hex color by a given amount. |
adjustSaturation | Adjusts the saturation based on the lightness and whether the base color is light or dark. |
checkAccessibility | Checks if the contrast ratio between two colors meets the WCAG AA standard for normal text |
compareHEXColorsViaHSL | Compares two hex colors via HSL |
exportThemeToCSS | Exports the theme to CSS Variables on the root element |
exportThemeToCSSVariablesOnly | Exports the theme to CSS Variables on the root element |
generateTheme | Generates a color theme based on the provided options |
getColorNameFromHex | Retrieves the color name from a given hexadecimal color code. |
getColorNameFromHsl | Retrieves the color name from a given HSL color. |
getColorNameFromRgb | Retrieves the color name from a given RGB color. |
getContrastRatio | Calculate the contrast ratio between two colors |
getContrastRatioWCAG20 | Calculate the WCAG 2.0 contrast ratio between two colors |
getHEXfromHSL | Converts an HSL color to a hex color |
getHexFromRgb | Converts an RGB color to a hexadecimal color code. |
getHSLfromHEX | Converts a hex color to an HSL color |
getOppositeColor | Get the opposite color for text based on the background color |
getRgbaFromHex | Converts a hexadecimal color code to RGBA format. |
isHexColor | Check if a string is a valid hex color |
isHSLColor | Checks if a string is a valid HSL color |
isRgbaColor | Check if a string is a valid RGBA color |
isRgbColor | Check if a string is a valid RGB color |
memoizedGenerateTheme | Memoized version of generateTheme to improve performance for repeated calls with the same options. |